The Kommis Germany

We went from war to peace. Inevitably we had to swap the monarchy for the republic. The "Patriotic teaching" continues as propaganda for "German culture". The perseverance slogan had to give way to the build-up crowd. The war reporters are no less devastating as peace reporters insofar as they are not occupied with writing memoirs for some prince. The patriotic circles are feverishly busy to contain the consequences of their patriotism. Your capital has escaped smoothly abroad, and you have stayed with us. The worker already has to fight for the "achievement" of the eight-hour day.

For the Republic is after all absolutely no cause. For the majority of Germans, it is just a game of patience. Regimental celebrations alone will not make you happy in the long run. It is indeed so beautiful to hear from high-ranking officers preaching the spirit of well-known camaraderie, and so to speak, to get drunk on it; in the long run it does not satisfy. As true as we have never been for the Republic, for the Monarchy we are.

If you don't believe it, take a look around. For whatever reason, in 1918 they failed to order “stir!”. Result: everyone is still standing at attention. It is an unfamiliar fantasy to establish a democracy with such material. If you want to do it anyway, then grab it hard. Don't let it please you anymore that in Germany the NCO rules in all situations and the "subject" blocks any free prospect of a better future. You must simply no longer find it bearable; Sentimental tolerance is no longer appropriate. It is now: either or. Either that little bit of free human dignity goes completely to the devil and the Prussian inspector's spirit reigns unreservedly in Germany again, making life a parade ground on which militarism holds its parade. Then you can calmly bring your beloved princes back to the great army of uncrowned rulers and the even larger of subjects. Or -: this desperate clan is exposed to ridicule and is no longer taken as seriously as it has since then.

Look at them! How many Wilhelm's in pocket size, every third inch by the grace of God. Such pomposity can only exist in Germany. Only in a German republic is it possible that the most grotesque Witzblatt characters will still receive the greatest respect. How they are all on top and feel good despite their screaming, all the rulers who have their superiors in their bones, with the policeman spirit and the non-commissioned tone. Who roll over with imagination as soon as they have climbed a row of stepladders, have got hold of a little position. How swollen they speak of their "people", swinging the customs staff as if there were provinces to be administered. How they “handle” the audience behind counters in fabulous dignity and aloofness. How is still ridden around in the worst manner on "subordinates" where there should have only been employees for a long time.

Look at it carefully!

In the factories, in the workshops and offices, in the cow-farmers in the country and in ministries, everywhere the same picture. Is it surprising that a republic meets resistance here?

Which proudly highness little department head, which supervisor cock with foremen!

What stupid arrogance in offices, offices and offices!

Expose them for God's sake finally! After all, they are all possible only because the others are playing subjects and standing close where they should banish the Punch and Judy show. Do not have any such pity respect from a threatening office or a generals look down from a swivel chair! There is nothing behind it, as there is nothing behind the splendid monarchy.

The republic must not be ruined by this false respect. She is about to do it. A reactionary, narrow-minded district administrator is still more than a democratic minister today. All of the imaginary greats down to the Schutzmann feel like placeholders of the monarchy.

As far as officials of the Republic are concerned, you should clean thoroughly, but please, without a pension! The others put you in the pillory, where you can. The Kommis-Visage and the stupid subject physiognomy do not belong in a republic.

I'm just afraid it will not be that fast. It is sometimes even with good Republicans an almost too touching understanding of the weaknesses of the other side. So for a while we will be an inhibited monarchy.

Hermann Mauthe