Hermann Mauthe

Hermann Mauthe, b. 4. December 1892 in Esslingen. After a commercial apprenticeship Mauthe turned to writing. He became an employee of 1922 and a year later editor of the "Sonntags-Zeitung". 1924 returned to Mauthe after only a few months in Mexico, where he wanted to emigrate, to the "Sunday newspaper". Along with Will scraper For a short time publication of a feature section press service (“Till - the feature section of heads”). Extensive work on the “Sonntags-Zeitung” until 1933. With number 26/1933 (June 25), Mauthe's name disappears from the paper as the responsible editor; Delivery to the Heuberg concentration camp. After his release he was unemployed until 1935. 1935-38 (possibly at the instigation of Hans Erich Blaichs - Dr. Owlglass) employee at Simplizissimus. Long-term hospital and sanatorium stays due to depressive states. After 1945 temporarily as a pensioner in the "Freihof" of the Göppinger Christoph bath, Together with the head of this clinic, Erich Schairer managed to get money and work for Mauthe; For the Stuttgarter Zeitung he wrote smaller contributions and won the patronage of patrons (among them Willy Reichert). On the 2. January 1953 dismissed from Christophsbad at his own request, Mauthe died on 30.10.1955 in Winnenden.

Pseudonym: Frida Leubold

Independent publications:

Youth movement and German economy. Bielefeld: torch rider oJ (Young Republic: building blocks for the new becoming, edited by Walter Hammer, issue 3)

The victory of bacifism. Articles, poems and aforisms. Heilbronn: Publisher of the "Sonntags-Zeitung" oJ [1923]

(Biography and bibliography from: Manfred Bosch (Hg.), With the jig in the opposition, selection from Erich Schairer's Sunday newspaper 1920-1933, 1989)