- Yg. 1927, No. 9 -
The father (takes the newspaper in his hand): “This Saukorps, the Polackes, a cheeky gang, well, they'll be lit up once in a while, oh, Pestalozzi, they've celebrated enough now, I don't know, that is just a fashion now, before you didn't know anything about him and we got through school anyway, my God, I just want ... what you always have now with the Reichswehr, the other day - Seriously, didn't you see it? - Captain Koester's horse became shy when they passed by down there, it looked dangerous, I tell you, but he had it in his hand, ha, it's something beautiful after all, but now I won't say anything more didn't I tell you right away? the guy got the job, of course he gets more salary there, but I immediately thought how he got here, he won't stay long, I thought, it's a smart man, a bitch, the one with the biggest mouth come the farthest with us, and one of us ... "
The son: “Now you've finished with the newspaper, I just want to check on the sport, nothing seems to be going on today, but you should take part in the stock market, father, if you were something, in shipping or colors, yes, of course, me already know, earlier, yeah earlier, you were different, isn't there a magazine today? Yes, it's only Thursday, the communists made noise again in the Reichstag, insulted Hindenburg, it's just a good thing that the communists are still there, otherwise it would be completely boring in the chatterbox, oh mother, don't look like that, me won't be a communist for a long time, you have to be predisposed to it, and I'm not, certainly not from my father's point of view ... "
The mother: "Stop your chatter and give me the newspaper now, I have to look at the Tietz advertisement, who died? It doesn't seem to anyone familiar, "the cantonal troops outside Shanghai", why you can't create order there, in China, in the past you could also do it, the Germans, but the whole policy is becoming disgusting, uh. "
The daughter: “But the Waldorf-Astoria now advertises differently with its colonel, I don't even like it, what's going on in the cinema? 'The girl traffickers'…, with the help of the American police… ', oh my God, the cinema is also boring at the moment, but now listen to this:' A young girl in Z. had an illegitimate child for six months, but nobody wanted to confess to fatherhood, and she couldn't call anyone a father with certainty. But when the news arrived last week that she had inherited $ 10.000 from a deceased aunt in America, four young people immediately answered with the claim to be the father of the child. ' Au cheek! "The father:" Where, where is that? I read the newspaper so carefully, but I haven't seen it now. ”The mother:“ See, that's how you read the newspaper, you never find the most important thing. ”The son:“ Oh never! You can't always see everything. But it's great, just great! "
And now I see you in front of me laughing and thinking: That is exactly how it is when the Webers read the newspaper over there. Hm, yes, can be; but actually I meant you, dear reader.
1927, 9 Hans Lutz