The great politics of all countries revolves more and more clearly around the center of the defense issue. The right-wing parties, who are absolute supporters of military service, have long recognized this. The left parties have either not recognized it yet, or they have shied away from raising the issue ... >> read more
Category Archive: 1929
Selection in the year 1929 published contributions
A worker among the readers of the Sonntags-Zeitung wrote to me a long time ago a letter that concludes with the words: Do you believe in socialism? If so, when are we ready for socialism? >> read more
Should this be lawful in future in Prussia that the police, if one of their rules by a small group of people really or supposedly not obeyed, suddenly block entire neighborhoods, pop into the windows, totally uninvolved people tug from apartments, with rubber truncheons lame and crooked to beat and shoot down as a game? >> read more
The party has put on fat, it has become sedate over the years and basks in the glory of the numbers. But at the same time the character of the party has fundamentally changed. It affirms the present state and seeks to conquer it from the inside, but does not notice that the capitalist state makes the party submissive for its own benefit. >> read more
Welcome with fascist greetings and handshake, speeches, revelry and what belongs to it. This "fraternization between Bolsheviks and fascists" was, of course, for the social-democratic newspapers a well-fed. >> read more
... in the Budget Committee of the Reichstag you once again came across how expensive our political field service works. Especially because his officials, from Ambassador to Legation Secretary, receive fabulous salaries. >> read more
The camel and the snail once entered a bet who would be first on the river. The snail won; because the camel had taken the service route. >> read more
As I write these lines, the airship "Graf Zeppelin" lays back the last part of its world tour. If his luck remains true, it will land safely in Friedrichshafen ... >> read more
... the manifold wanderings of the divine Dulders Hindenburg. Not of the living, but of the iron, which was set up in the great time on the today's "place of the republic" in Berlin. >> read more
Removing soda water from handkerchiefs does not always work. Try the following remedy: a gallon of water, half a pound of soft soap, and three kilos of soda are cooked into a thin porridge ... >> read more