At the age of 78, my uncle Abraham Gumbel, known to the readers of this newspaper as "Emel", went gently into Heilbronn to the country from which there is no return. He was born in the village of Stein am Kocher, where our ancestors had been based for over 200 years, buried in Heilbronn. With him, one of the few independently thinking, free people who our supposed "land of poets and thinkers" has to show died. >> read more

Mr. Hitler is preparing for the accession. He preaches patience once more to his impatient hosts; the due pogroms have to be postponed again a little bit. At the Kaiserhof Hotel in Berlin he received the representatives of the English and American press and assured them that the Nazis were not as bad as they are. >> read more

So I come to the sad conclusion that the republic, wrapped in fog, may disappear tomorrow, and that state power has been withdrawn from the people. The only question that interests me as a puny lay lawyer is whether the state power is stolen, for example. >> read more

The millions of unemployed, yesterday still on the verge of desperation, can go to bed more cheerfully: the government has formed a large committee that is supposed to brood over the problem of unemployment, and women from Berlin society have arranged a wonderfully organized "winter aid". >> read more

I do not know what people always have to complain about the bad times, that's all exaggerated, know, they're just not satisfied with anything, for example, I know a certain family, that comes out very well, they live on the subsistence level and can put all the revenues that go beyond that on the high edge. Let me show you your exemplary budget. >> read more